FLORENCE NEAL_Sacatar_Itaprica_Bahia_Brazil











..public art


..exhibitions /.






all images © Florence Neal

Installation of water-based woodcuts (mokuhanga scrolls, 56" x 17") with paper mobile. October 2018
Instituto Sacatar, Itaparica, Bahia, Brasil

Project: "As águas do futuro na boca da baía"
the waters of the future at the mouth of the bay

Sacatar Residency Fellowship
Itaparica, Bahia, Brazil
August - October, 2018

I observed the water surrounding the island of Itaparica through a series of water-based woodcuts using the ancient Japanese technique, mokuhanga. Along with daily drawings and observation, community input played a large part in the project.

I posed the question to people I met: What is the color of the water of the future? Their answers were hand printed onto washi scrolls. Everyone received a "águas do futuro” button designed by the artist.

The artist is grateful for the support of Sacatar Foundation to realize this project in Bahia, Brazil.
The project "As Águas do Futuro" envisioned at Sacatar, is now ongoing.

Florence Neal
Visiting Artist
Instituto Sacatar

Aguas do Futuro_FNeal_mokuhanga project
Water-based woodcut prints (mokuhanga) answers to the question: What is the color of the water of the future?
Each scroll: 56" x 17", 201

Printing at the Itaparica Cultural Center, and inviting visitors to partcipate in "Águas do Futuro"

Florence Neal_Itaparica Cultural Ctr_Aguas do Futuro

"As águas do futuro”
Neal-designed button given to project participants.

Artist worked mornings on-site at the Itaparica Public Library and asked the question:
What is the color of the water of the future?


Library visitors answering the question: What is the color of the water of the future?


Aguas do Futuro_Studio Agua_Sacatar
"As Águas do Futuro" installation with answers to the question at Instituto Sacatar, (Studio Água)




Aguas do Futuro



LINK to Arvore para Água / mokuhanga print series created at Sacatar